Feature "Towns & cities" - Past Weather

 "Past Weather" is a feature on our "Towns and Cities" pages and is located on a tab for the relevant location.

This graph shows the elements for Yesterday, the Last 30 Days, as well as Historical Data on a calendar monthly basis.
The data is detailed further upon mouse-over and includes:
- the highest wind gust
- the direction the wind was blowing from
- the highest and lowest air temperatures; and
- rainfall
Here's an example for Auckland Airport for "Yesterday":

Myth-busting ultraviolet radiation

Written by Wayde Beckman from the Health Sponsorship Council, on 11 November 2010

Who would have thought in November, when temperatures struggle to get over 20 degrees in some New Zealand places, that ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels are already high enough to cause sunburn and put Kiwis at risk of developing melanoma skin cancer?

Weather Radars

In 2007 our weather radar network looked like the picture below. The dark part of the circle is the area / range in which the radar is very accurate and the lighter range is useful as a heads-up. New modern radars send out both vertical and horizontal scans allowing us to not only determine the presence of rain but the volume as well. This is really handy for forecasting and tracking storms and severe weather.

The Foehn Wind

On Saturday 16 October 2010, many parts of New Zealand, especially South Island, experienced Foehn winds. During the approach to summer, eastern parts of both islands will get more warm Foehn winds under suitable conditions. In this blog post I'll describe what the Foehn wind is and explain how it comes about. We'll start by looking at temperature reports from weather stations on Saturday 16 Oct 2010.