"Past Weather" is a feature on our Metservice.com "Towns and Cities" pages and is located on a tab for the relevant location.

This graph shows the elements for Yesterday, the Last 30 Days, as well as Historical Data on a calendar monthly basis.
The data is detailed further upon mouse-over and includes:
- the highest wind gust
- the direction the wind was blowing from
- the highest and lowest air temperatures; and
- rainfall
Here's an example for Auckland Airport for "Yesterday":

The Historical Data tab includes information about temperatures and rainfall, but not for wind. This is shown below:

Note that the long term 'Historical Avg' figures for air temperatures and rainfall are the averages of the highest, lowest or total over many years (including the last two), but the monthly figures for last year and the previous year are simply the highest or lowest temperature or total rainfall for that single month.

These days almost all meteorological observations are recorded by automated weather stations. Occasionally sensors go awry or there may be communications problems which result in some observations not being made or observations that are invalid. So, in the Past Weather displays some items may be missing .... these instances will be indicated by "n/a" meaning "not available", or the display element may not appear at all.

We hope that you find this information interesting, informative and useful.

NIWA has made all these data available on an observation basis as well as derived statistics from them through their National Climate Database portal. The URL is http://cliflo.niwa.co.nz. Registration and agreement to terms is required, and it is free. Extensive help is provided; it is fairly straight forward.

We have provided this "Past Weather" information from MetService records from these stations so that there is a readily accessible visualisation of past weather in commonly understood time scales ... day, week, month, year, and longer term (averages).